I broke out the strimmer this afternoon. It took a while to put together (after spending 10 minutes cursing Argos for not putting enough screws in the pack, then actually reading the instructions properly and realising that two of the screws actually hold two things in place.. ooooooooooops) and was further delayed another 45 minutes after some grotty old rotten string got wrapped around the engine bit, so i had to turn it off and dig around in there to get it all out.. but.. once all that was done, it went like a dream.

see? all neat and tidy. I keep going out there and congratulating myself. lol.

see? all neat and tidy. I keep going out there and congratulating myself. lol.

There are two strimming lines, unlike the one i used before, which only had one, the lines are longer, and the engine is more powerful. All this means that it cuts grass like nobody’s business – in fact, my boots and jeans got absolutely covered in grass bits, and a few times i even got struck in the face by grass bits too. Thank goodness for my glasses. (note to self: do not wear very baggy trackies when using the strimmer, or long skirts).

You can see where ive been cutting away.... starting to look really really good now.

You can see where i've been cutting away.... starting to look really really good now.

Drawbacks: its heavy, and vibrates hard, both of which are hard on the wrists. I don’t think i can do the whole garden in one go, even if i had the time, which i ran out of this afternoon (had to run out to the shops). I’ll have to build up to it. The grass is also quite long, which means its harder work to get it down (if you’ve never used a strimmer, you can’t just go in and cut away at long grass. Its not like a scythe. you have to start at the top and work down, so it takes longer to do the same bit of grass). However, once it’s all cut down and fairly short, provided i keep ontop of it, i.e. once a week type thing, it should be fairly easy to keep ontop of the rest.

You can see how much the strimmer has cut it down here. (the wood is wonky, yes.)

You can see how much the strimmer has cut it down here. (the wood is wonky, yes.)

I’m pleased with it though, and with the extra investment. the garden is starting to look really really good. Now all i need is for a) all my plants to grow and b) a nice hot summer so we can enjoy it!! Fingers crossed!!